Photo Report of May 11, 2003

The Warming-Up on 11th of May 2003
Santiago Gonzalez Cintra
Like always:pleasant and solid boxing

Eric Constancia stuck to the basic techniques from Kyokushin Karate

Yanlong Li - Jiujiebian
(ninesection chain)
Qiuping Lin picked out a very nice place outside
Capoeira with Mestre Gildo Valú
Gill Aringaneng taught Taekwondo
Sem Schilt explaining the various techniques

Guest Teachers of Sunday the 11th of May

Yanlong Li
Specially with the Jiujiebian (ninesection chain) Yanlong Li had a lot of participants on Sunday. During the Free Forms section he gave a lots of hints to improve each participants form.
Qiuping Lin
In the morning Lin focussed on the Peking form. Again, she was able to find a good spot outside for practising basic techniques of Baguazhang (Pakua).
Mestre Gildo Valú

Together with two assistants Mestre Gildo gave a very swinging workshop.
Santiago Gonzalez Cintra
Like always: pleasant and solid boxing.
Ino Alberga
Being an experienced muay thai instructor, Ino treated good combinations.
Tayari Alberga
Tayari mainly treated the wrestling techniques used in Freefight in his workshop.
Sem Schilt
It was soon obvious to everyone that not only Sem is a good fighter, but he can also explain the various techniques very well.
Eric Constancia
Stuck to the basic techniques from Kyokushin Karate.
Gill Aringaneng
In a very enthusiastic manner, using pads and body protectors, Gill taught Taekwondo.

As a token of our appreciation all guest teachers received a lucky cat