The year of the dragon and the Panther of Cura�ao
Wushu'er Earl Blijd is internationally known. As a result of his excellent legwork and extraordinary body control, he is also called Mr. Slowfoot or the Panther of Cura�ao. The latter refers to the island on which he was born.
In 1978, Earl Blijd came to the Netherlands to pursue his studies in chemistry at the University of Groningen. In the following year, he became acquainted with the Kung Fu teacher Trieu Trung La who had learnt this martial arts from Nguyen-Dinh-Bao at the Bao Truyen Kung Fu School in Vietnam. Earl Blijd took a trial lesson and was immediately fascinated by this art of fighting; he could not stop thinking about it. From that time onwards, his life was dominated by martial arts.
In the year 2000 everything remained much the same. First of all, a quick review. Whilst the year 1999 was occupied largely with seminars, championships and training, Earl Blijd celebrated the twentieth anniversary of the Bao Trieu School in Groningen as well as his own twentieth Wushu anniversary. In addition, he founded two schools in Germany, one in Ahlen and one in Chemnitz, that are under supervision of Manfred Timm and Oliver Juhrs, respectively.
After a tiresome 1999, the Panther intended to take things easier in the year 2000. However, nothing of that kind happened, of course. In February 2000, he organised a big ceremony to celebrate the Year of the Dragon in suitable style. The mayor of Groningen christened the new lion, and a number of different cultural organisations performed on the town square. Furthermore, numerous people requested Earl Blijd to perform the Dance of the Dragon with his pupils.
In March 2000 then, the Bao Trieu Demo Team demonstrated its extraordinary skills at the BUDO-GALA in Dortmund; a true delight for every martial arts enthusiast. Besides various seminars, demonstrations and competitions, Earl commemorated his tragic accident of May 1995, 5 years ago now.
In June 2000, Earl visited his school in Chemnitz (Saxony/ Germany) for the very first time. At this occasion, he held a seminar which left a deep impression with his pupils due to both Earl's expertise and warmth.
August 2000 was another extraordinary month for Mr. Slowfoot. Earl Blijd became father to a son:
Yulong Marlon Jo�l. In the same month, he performed at the wedding party of his brother Carl.
Together with 'the old guys' he demonstrated the famous Slow-Motion fight, well-known from several
BUDO-galas. Evidently, the list of activities for this year has not reached the end just yet. Amongst
other things, Earl was also present at the Grand Prix 2000.
When observing Earl Blijd's activities in his school, it appears as if this man never sleeps. Inexhaustibly, he teaches and organises. There are but a few people who are as straightforward, and who live in such a devoted way for their sports as Earl Blijd. In fact, you must consider yourself lucky to call somebody like Earl your friend or teacher. His warmth and honesty make him a remarkable man. He is not striving for gain but is instead devoted, with all his energies, to preserving the authentic Wushu style.